Wednesday, January 25, 2012

My first day a new city: Uppsala, Sweden.

After lots of anticipation and perhaps not enough planning, I have arrived in Uppsala, SE.  Getting here was easier than I imagined in the physical and mental sense.  I was mostly worried about how to manage the enormous amount of luggage (one suitcase that fit 82 lbs of clothing and two bike boxes weighing 60 and 95 lbs) all on my onesies.  As it turns out, all I needed to do was walk outside of the airport and there was a taxi porter who found me a taxi!  He loaded the car up for me and dropped me off 2 feet from my hotel door - awesome!  I may have paid $20 more than I would have with a pre-arranged airport shuttle, but honestly, in this instance the convenience was well worth the extra money.  

My first house for 8 days, a hotel room, is more like a studio apartment with a kitchenette.  I am certain the whole room is outfitted with Ikea furniture and appliances.  The room includes a coffee maker (a very important detail), but there are no filters (dang!), so this morning I made some cowboy coffee.  The coffee addict in me wishes that I had brought my camp french press.  I was filled to the gills by the time I got to the airport on Monday, but had I known my coffee situation this morning I would have plugged the press somewhere.  

Last night, after a four hour jet-lag nap, I walked to a small grocery store down the street from where I am staying.  I figured I should get the most out of my kitchenette and make my own food.  I bought basic supplies: bread, butter, yogurt, muesli, apples, pasta, arugula, tomatos, olive oil, cheese, eggs, nutella, coffee and creme fraiche.  The bill came out to 358 kronor ($53).  I saved myself $7 by not getting any peanut butter.  This is certainly more expensive than I am used to, however, not surprising.  Before coming here I learned that food has a 23% tax.  If there is a less expensive grocery store in town, I will find it!

It is 8:30 am and the sun has just risen.  I'm going to go have a walk through the city to check out my new workplace, the Ångström Lab.  It should be a very nice walk indeed. 


  1. I will never complain about how expensive food is again!!! 23%?!?!?! No wonder people have to buy from Ikea!

    Have you noticed any tube food? Or tried any for that matter?

  2. i have seen the tube food. i haven't had the guts to try it yet...

  3. I can't believe you didn't pack the french press! Sounds like a care package with that, dark beer and peanut butter is needed :)

  4. omg. what i wouldn't give for a real jar of pb and dark beer! my new lab mate gave me a french press. he basically saved my life and he probably doesn't even know it!
